State of the RBE at the start of 2022

Another year, another RBE rewind.

Let's see what our favourite band of technocratic communists have been up to.


The Venus Project

Let's start with TVP, and last year's progress report.

-"Dissemination of findings and a proposed alternative to our current socioeconomic paradigm"

Nothing new. 
The closest thing they have is an obscure tweet in which they want to push their documentaries onto Netflix.

"-A movie progress report from 2018, that kind of died in the water back then(they still raised tens of thousands of bucks for making the movie);"
Nothing on the horizon about that;
"-The Center for Resource Management project, who's progress has stalled 2 years ago;"
Literally the graph is the same it's been since then;
"-The Transcription Project, which raised tens of thousands of dollars, and is at the same 37% it was in the spring of 2020;"

In their defense, one of the volunteers states it's over 50%, and should be finished this year. Probably...
"-The Sociocyberneering Education Project I mentioned last year as basically the RBE Jehovah Witness program. To sign up, you need to buy the course materials, which cost 300+ US dollars, because of course they do."
Still trying to find missionaries.
In other news, they had a small automated garden project last year, that they bragged will be continuously live-streamed, and used as both demonstration, and as a way to sell food to fund TVP.

It unceremoniously went offline after planting a tiny plot, and nothing has been heard about it since then.

Recently, they have just announced they are doing the same thing in India.

I wish them good luck, but i suspect it will be abandoned a third of the way through, like everything else(though i won't mind being proven wrong).
Also, is being retired, so i can't do ranking comparisons anymore.
As a sidenote, their financial transparency reports still haven't been updated since 2019.

Zeitgeist Movement

Nothing new, just the same old thing going nowhere.
They recently decided to ban an incredibly toxic user after a year of fighting, but some of the new guys aren't exactly better when it comes to being conspiracy-minded and abrasive. 

Also, the chapter list is still the same, except we also have Portugal now.

Oh, and Koto is growing more and more independent, and is trying to find land to try their communalist project.

While, as i said, Alexa is no longer usable, Social Blade is still online, so i can do comparisons about Peter Joseph's media presence.

All and all, while i can't make proper comparisons, in the past year, while he's had an increase in the past months(likely due to his podcast), but steady decrease in followers(as well as some of the existing users being inactive) and reach.

Also, he tried buying ads on Twitter, but he's so incredibly toxic(due to most of his tweets involving him trying to pick fights with everyone, and getting into some pretty deranged rants), Twitter of all places didn't want to let him promote himself.


Moneyless Society

A new project that has developed recently.
Still roughly following the idea of an RBE, but open to the fact that they are very close in thought to various communist and left-libertarian circles, and are openly supportive and informative of other initiatives in the field.
Also, they are actually making plans to build their own community, and find profitable way to fund their coops and other things.

Other mentions:

Auravana Project - apparently he's made some prototypes for an open-source building.
Good for him.
BUILD A HYBRID RBE COMMUNITY NOW - Knight has moved onto liking coops and communes. The community are posting One Community materials;
Copiosis - still theorycrafting on how awesome their system is going to be;

Institute for a Resource-Based Economy - the founder, miss Monas occasionally posts.
Otherwise spammed by a TVP volunteer called Clifton Barnes;
Koto Coop - as i said, they are buying land to make an eco-village somewhere. Wish them luck, it might end up doing something;

One Community Global - still building their specs. Can't see them used anywhere, which makes me suspicious of how feasible they are.
RBE10K - mostly pop-sci memes. Can't find any updates on their visual novel, so we can assume it's in hiatus;

RBE Technology - flat earther, space travel isn't real, Tartaria global empire, and Tesla conspiracy posts;

Paradism - still doing raelian-flavoured interviews and stuff;

TROM - still writing his essays and software.
Apparently making about 2000 euros off it, but eh, he's actually making apps and articles for free, and has been adamant donations should be given only if you really, truly feel like it, so i have no beef with him.
Jacque Fresco Educational Network - a pretty..."intense" fanboy of Fresco, who spreads quotes and videos about his beloved saviour like it's religious scripture.
At least he's taking the whole "everything should be free" thing to heart, and doesn't demand payment for it.
This has pissed off TVP to no end, since they

Resource-Based Economy - a random Facebook group, with an interest in circular economy and eco-villages.
Quantum Transition to a Resource Based Economy - has morphed into a leftist to far-leftist meme page, with a slight conspiracy bend
RBE Solutions Energy - posting pop-sci articles, and wooing about Nikola Tesla. Have a hunch he's also the guy behind RBE Technology and RBE Solutions Transport, given they share most posts.

RBE Solutions Transport - Same as above.


In short, while there are a couple of improvements and attempts at implementing eco-villages and sharing digital materials for free, most other groups are either stagnating, posted by the same circle of people that direct each, or starting initiatives that go nowhere, all while RBE


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