State of the RBE duri 2024

Usually, i post these things at the start of the year, but Jesus Christ, the craziest telenovela i've ever seen has happened in the RBE(or OAE, or whatever they call it nowadays) scene during this time, and i kept postponing to see what will happen.

Things seem to have stabilized, so get ready for the weirdest mess you'll read today.


Let's start with:

The Venus Project

I won't bring up that report, because even they gave that up, and the post trying to get people to request the movies added to Netflix is still there, like in previous years.

But the main story is that The Venus Project abandoned the teachings of Jacque Fresco.

No, i'm not joking. 

After the previous years of low activity, apparently they have been silently scrubbing their website of everything related to that guy, and placing it in an eternally under construction website of an entity called the Jacque Fresco Foundation (

All of this to make way so they can become an insane, New Age doomsday cult under a scammer called Simon Michaux.

Problem is, this led to the russian-speaking team, and other actors in the RBE scene, starting to uncover all the rot in the organisation, starting with a 60-page expose called The Death of Jacque Fresco's The Venus Project, showcasing just the type of lunacy The Venus Project is gearing up for.

This was followed by more articles, detailing everything from:

- how the supposed Jacque Fresco transcription project is going nowhere;

- how there were countless fundraisers where the money went missing;

- how they are trying to dazzle unhappy members with a vague promise of a DAO-powered Discord server;

- how protesting members were harassed, stonewalled and blackmailed (It appears you find it easier to accuse someone of having bad motives than to respond in any meaningful way)

- how there is a decades old movie TVP still hasn't released (Missing public and private funds, missed deadlines, and dead projects: Nathanael Dinwiddie's "Man Of Tomorrow" movie scam | Jacque Fresco Education Network (

- how their new partner organisations are part of a massive web of fake corporations, shell companies, fraudulent credentials, and crypto-scams (Jeremiah Josey | The Thorium Network | MECi Group | AAA and Sons)

- how that tanglement got shut down by the legal system for fraud (The Thorium Network and MECi Group SHUT DOWN BY COURT ORDER! (

- and more broad, how TVP is in a complete an utter mess, organisation wise The Venus Project is no longer has a clear proposal and plan, but rather countless options (

There are more way more documents and articles floating around, so check out and for more info, as well as their Discord server (invitation expires in 7 days ), for an inside look as to this collapse.

The Venus Project tried doing some damage control, by appearing to focus more on Jacque Fresco, but no one was fooled. 

Least of all, the russian-speaking team, which led to...

Designing the future

The ex-soviet space has had the most fruitful RBE development and promotion, and has basically been carrying TVP on it's back for the past decade, under the russian-speaking group..
But tyrants and control freaks don't like sharing power, so they have been trying to strip them of any sort of autonomy since the late 2010's.

When this whole fiasco with Simon Michaux started, they brought notice against this travesty, and their unlawful marginalization, which of course, The Venus Project responded with all the tact, diplomacy, and scientific method based contructi....who are we kidding?

They conducted an entire smear campaign against that group, broke any sort of communication, threats, and lorded over how the leader of the russian-speaking group is an Ukrainian refugee, and therefor financially vulnerable, so they can afford to wait him out until he's broke.

This disgusting attitude led to them breaking off from TVP, and organising under their previously existing "Desiging the future" NGO.
They appear to be doing something, and are quite sincere in their efforts, but we will see if anything comes out of it.

The choice is ours

A spin-off of DTF, trying to create more media and simulation material for RBE promotion.
Personally, i consider it too ambitious a goal for them, but at least it's out of their pockets.

Zeitgeist Movement

They cancelled their last physical global meeting, and are now basically a ghost town.

Moneyless Society

Transitioned into a vague Marxist/far-left meme page.
Seriously, take a look at their posts, and it's the same dime-a-dozen reposted anti-capitalist posts and rambling twitter screenshots you'd find in the scene.

Auravana Project

Some activity, but nothing new.


Hasn't posted in half a year, but before that, had become very conspiratorial.

Koto Coop

Still organising

One Community Global

No post in 2 months.

One Community Global

Pop-sci, with some politics now.

RBE Technology, RBE Solutions Energy, RBE Solutions Transport  

Hasn't posted since 2022;


Mindless posting AI artwork;


Basically working on his vision of open-source software, called trade-free.

Jacque Fresco Educational Network 

His activity is erratic, sometimes posting a lot, other times being silent for months.

Resource-Based Economy 

Random pseudo-profound posts.

Resource Based Economy Forum Global 

Nick Willcocks still posting, but in a more anti-capitalist direction;


The RBE scene continues it's slide into fragmentation, irrelevance, and conspiracy.


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