Internet stats are fun!

Being bored about a month ago, in between reading something, i decided to check TVP's Alexa and Google trends ranking.

Found some interesting things.

As a bonus, i will have to delve into what the Zeitgeist Movement is up to.

Some interesting stats:
-It consistently is in the 200,000th-300,000th place, by popularity;
-On average, the users spend less than 2 clicks on the site;
-Almost 2/3rds just check the front page, and leave;
-The average viewing time is less than 3 minutes;
-One third of the traffic, and the most visits come from Lithuania, a small european country of 2,7 million people;

Moving over to Google, it seems most of the searches are derived from people searching for Venus, the Florida city.
Secondly, the main searches are from people into the Zeitgeist movement(itself a pretty leaderless and aimless group nowadays)
Geographically, the vast number of searches are from Mexico(in fact the top 5 cities where it is searched from are in Mexico), and secondly from Russia.
Might seem odd at first, but it's all connected.
With the absolute death of the TVP Activism network more than half a decade ago, the only group that still supports Fresco's movies is Zeitgeist.

From talking to one of the main leaders of the Zeitgeist movement, i know that the regions where English is not the main regional trans-national language have developed in semi-isolaton fron the main movement, and are effectively "forked".

Given the main Zeitgest Movement is pretty dead, waiting for a platform( that has been delayed for more than a year now, the entire RBE "ecosystem" seems to be increasingly driven by the culturally separated stragglers of the former Soviet State and Latin America, themselves operating within their own meme-sphere.

In fact, it is not, surprising.
We all know Eastern Europe and Latin America have experienced far-left-wing regimes, which, for better or worse, rapidly industrialized their countries, and, helped by the rapid post-war economic boom, provided a relative sense of economic and social stability for their citizens.
Of course, they proved unsustainable as the decades went by, and the rapid, poorly done liberalisation of the 80's and 90's, within the competitive, global economy, provoked deep recessions and social ills.
It makes sense many are sympathetic to a scheme that proposes identical goals to the marxist theorists of old, that capitalizes on populist woes that are much more significant in these former socialist states(poverty, environmental degradation, vices, imperialism, exploiting human life for monetary gain), and even shares memes("we had physical factories, and it was awesome, while money value has been so fickle")

This global community collapse has also made the RBE scene extremely porous out of necessity, with TZM Florida, for example, no longer even caring about having true individual local chapters, but general groups called "TZM/TVP/RBE/Ubuntu/etc.".

My recommendations(and no, i'm not being sarcastic)?

The first solution involves either TZM Latin America, and/or the Russian speaking chapters should separate themselves from the comatose movement, and make their own regional thing, under a new name, that separates itself from the ideological baggage of both Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement, more aligned with the permaculture/intentional community groups, and actually prove their eco-friendly, automated solutions are possible.
We know the only remaining active physical project is TZM's Aquaponics thing, and Latin America has the Kadagaya community that they can support and exchange knowledge with.

The second option would be ejecting the aloof, MIA Peter Joseph, that practically abandoned the movement and has been promising the vaporware Interreflections for several years now, placing themselves under the leadership of Roxanne Meadows and the Venus Project brand, and seeing what they can do from then on.

But that's just my own opinion, given i have literally nothing new to talk about, when it comes to the RBE scene(you'd expect a movement that is supposed to save humanity and lead it into a golden age would have some actual news from time to time, instead of simply constantly rehashing decade old FAQ's, and aged "documentaries").

I could do some mathcraft using the water and energy needs for the Center for Resource Management(from preliminary results, it would be more efficient, buuuut adding transportation and meat production would end up with pretty similar results to the modern industrial society.
Consequently, if the sharing economy, a bit of smart city stuff, and artificial meat production improves, which it likely will, given the massive financial market for it, the much vilified monetary system and the super fawned over resource-based one aren't so different in their energy and resource usage, when it comes to water and energy), but i have scraps to work with, and i'd be overthinking an utopian scheme.

So i'll likely just make an article, at the start of 2020, to serve as a "where are they now" review of all all the RBE organizations and movements of the past 12 years, which are either defunct, or have made almost 0 progress, and before that, an article about the countless stillborn NGO's that Fresco and Meadows kept creating to promote his ideas.


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