26 Questions for the Venus Project

1) What failsafes do you have, to prevent abuse, in general?

2) What measures will be taken to make sure the planet doesn't get bogged-down in the transition phase?

3) How will the Venus Project make sure that the transitional technocratic government won't turn into a dictatorial mess until the supercomputer gets finished, given in various organizations, people that take care of supply requisition and distribution(company clerks, utilities operators, media engineers, pantry chefs chancellors,Army supply staff, NCO's, secretaries, etc.) have disproportionate amount of power, and in some cases, even ended up in power(Stalin used his influence as a mere party secretary to end up dictator of the USSR);

4)How will the Venus Project maintain doctrinal purity, without turning into various factions making accusations of "counter-revolutionarism", "petite monetarism" and "abandoning the founder's original vision", common to so many radical movements?

5)How will it deal with infiltrators and people trying to subvert the movement, either intentionally or unintentionally? There have already been various break-aways and "schisms", like with the Zeitgeist Movement and the Auravana Project

6)How will conflict mediation in case of ego conflict work?

7)If social engineering is so important, and it will likely involve humans organizing it in the first phases, how will those engineers be accountable, if they suddenly go on a power trip?

8)Given the recent development of massive advancement in big data, AI and social engineering that are in the process of happening in China(social credit system, Tencent going all kinds of wacky experiments in machine learning as a result of having a centralized market with the behavioral and spatial data of hundreds of millions of citizens, etc.) how will the system resist the temptation of being extremely intrusive in the lives of the citizenry, and generally committing Chinese Communist Party-tier human rights abuses under the guise of protecting society?
And i'd like a good answer, not just "we won't do that"

9)Given Fresco talks about the current and future economic systems in terms of sanity/insanity, what will prevent some over-zealous enforcers of the new way from labeling adepts of the old way as having a mental issue, under some vague diagnosis. and if there is a massive talk of education, what will prevent the resurgence of other types of "education"?

10)Fresco frequently rallied against violent TV and media for their negative effect on people.
Will certain media be banned under the guise of protecting society?
Can i read the literary classic "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream", or pulpy dystopian Warhammer 40.000 novels?
Can i write fanfiction of said dark universes for fun, and distribute them online?

11)What assurances do we have that transition and resource transfer will truly be voluntary, given that has been said before every collectivization project?

12)If the Venus Project is supposed to come into action during an age of planetary collapse and rise of fascist govs, how are they supposed to develop, even acquire resources, or even exist, under martial law jackbooted opression?

13)How will it make sure the planetary "ledgers" aren't subtly fudged, and resources taken for unathorized purposes?

14)Will the software of the super-computer be open-source?

15)How will the software be free of unconscious biases, given machine learning is frequently shown to develop internal biases and superstitions either alone, or added knowingly or unknowingly by their creators?

16)If one of the developers inserts a long-term vulnerability to ruin the system, and activates it later, crippling it, how will an RBE deal with it?

17)If the supercomputer goes full Thanos, and decides the most efficient way to stabilize the system and the strain on the weakened carrying capacity of the planet is to decrease the number of humans consuming resources, how will the project react to such a pronouncement?

18)How will an RBE deal with black markets for products that are considered dangerous, inefficient, or subpar?
We already have ones for light bulbs, plastic bags, asbestos, drugs, weapons, child pornography, etc., Saying people will suddenly stop being interested in this stuff in the new system is foolish, since a small number of people WILL be interested, if only out of deranged curiosity.

19)How will super-rare resources that simply can't be synthesized in large quantities at that moment, or are physically rare(rare earth materials, alloys, anti-matter, etc.) be prioritized?

20)How will non-economic grievances be settled(some old man thinks the youngsters are being too loud, while they think he's just exaggerating. Or if a group is arguing over 2 iterations of what colour a building should have)

21)What is Fresco's reply to Mises's economic calculation problem?

22)What formula will you use to calculate the carrying capacity of the Earth?

23)What is the population capacity for an average circular city?

24)The high-tech, automated, carbon neutral Masdar City cost 20 billion to develop, in order to house 50,000 people. How much would a fully developed circular city cost?

25)If resources are all that matter, why does the resource curse/paradox of plenty appear?

26)How does one calculate efficiency? And given it needs to be quantified to be usable by a computer, isn't that quantified value pretty much the same as giving it a money value, and "cybernetically distributing resources according to the carrying capacity of the region/planet" pretty much "spending your allowance wisely"?


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